International multicentric platform as a key element for the effective scientific research

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Research internship at the University of Bath

As part of the mobility of scientists participating in the ScienceNet project consortium, dr hab. Błażej Poźniak from the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of UPWr spent 4 weeks at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmacology of the University of Bath in Great Britain (May 8, 2022 - June 3, 2022). As part of a very intensive internship, Dr. Poźniak got acquainted with the in vitro model developed by Dr. Albert Bolhuis's team for skin infection caused by biofilm-forming staphylococci.

The special task of the UPWr scientist was to adapt the existing model to pharmacokinetic-dynamic studies, in which bacteria are exposed to changes in drug concentration reflecting the pharmacokinetic profile in a real patient. The experience gained will be invaluable in the development of similar models for veterinary applications, and the established contact allows for long-term cooperation with scientists from Bath.

During his stay, Dr. Poźniak was invited to give a lecture on his research and the scientific purpose of his stay in Bath. The lecture was entitled "Shifting from in vivo pharmacokinetics to in vitro pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic models - veterinary perspective". Although for most of the audience the veterinary perspective was rather exotic, the discussion that followed was extremely interesting and constructive. You can view the lecture recording here: Video

Despite the intensive work in the laboratory, he managed to find time to visit Bath, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Situated in the green valley of the River Avon, Bath is a jewel of Georgian architecture. Its origins, however, go back to the beginnings of our era, i.e. the times of Roman conquests, and it is from this period that the world-famous Roman Baths, attracting crowds of tourists from all over the world, come from.

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
International multicentric platform as a key element for the effective scientific research